François Halard, Polaroids

44.00 CHF

A Fine Selection of Glamourous Photographs from Three Decades
Hardcover, 24 × 32 cm, 64 Seiten
Co-published with Simonett&Baer
by The Name Books
€ 39.00 / CHF 44.00
ISBN 978-3-906946-05-4


This book shows us the great wide world of François Halard – or at least a very particular part of it! We now have in this wonderful book a bunch of truly sensual and simply beautiful photos that have ‘that certain smell of Lebenslust’. We edited about twenty thousand Polaroids – ‘butterfly wings’ – down to a selection of ‘only’ fifty. But as we heard from Marlene Dietrich: “Less is more – and more is a bore.” François Halard is a French photographer based in New York, Paris and Arles. He has covered Vogue US and almost every renowned style and interior design magazine over the last thirty years – always with brilliance, love and care, taste and cultured style.
